The Burning Ones

The Burning Ones


Janet L. DeCaster

June 27, 2023 GLORY STORY UPDATE – Reposting this blog below that I originally posted in late 2020. I feel prompted to do so, as I attended a revival service this past weekend in South Dakota (I live in Minnesota) where I experienced a powerful touch from the Lord, as did many others. The meeting was held on 6/25/23 at Holy Life Tabernacle Church in Brookings, SD with guest speakers from Pioneer Ministry in New Zealand – Missionary Evangelists, Joseph & Lesley Lee ( It seems to me to be one of the ways that God is beginning to fulfill this prophetic word / vision I blogged about in the below post. I was privileged to see it begin. The Holy Spirit originally gave me this vision /prophetic word for this region back in 2020.

BE ENCOURAGED! KEEP PRAYING FOR REVIVAL IN THE AMERICAN CHURCH generally and in the churches of the upper midwest region specifically! Amen.

The original post from 2020

Luke 10: 2 –  “He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

I don’t know about you, but I get really encouraged when the Holy Spirit opens my (spiritual) eyes to ‘see’ (in a vision) what’s on God’s heart and on the horizon of heaven. Maybe because I tend to be a visual learner, not sure,  but one of the ways the Holy Spirit speaks* to me is visually. I had such an experience recently, which was very significant. At this time, I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to release it, in order to encourage others who are also praying for revival in the American Church, and about the tumultuous current events in the USA. So, here goes.  As always, “test the spirits” according to 1 John 4:1. 

The Context:

First, I will begin with some ‘context’ around my visionary experience. In late September of 2020, I had an opportunity to participate as a member of a missions’ team with others from my home church (River Valley Church, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota). We had the privilege of serving at a camp for at-risk youth in Iowa. Afterward, I took a road trip to visit  friends that I’ve met through ministry in other parts of northwest Iowa and east central South Dakota (on the western border of Minnesota).  I ‘run’ with a group of people who are committed believers, serve the Lord in a variety of ways and that love to pray for this nation.  What a blessing! This road-trip  also served as personal prayer retreat. As I drove across the miles, and prayed, my mind kept turning to a specific Bible verse again and again. It is found in Luke 10: 2 which states: “He told them, The harvest is plentiful  but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” These words of Jesus were ringing in my heart and mind as I drove through the countryside. The trip also happened to coincide with the physical harvest of soybeans, corn and alfalfa in that part of the country.

While on the trip, I attended a Sunday morning Church service with my friend who is a member of the worship team at a small congregation (currently meeting in a private residence) in rural South Dakota. It was there, during the Sunday morning service on September 20, 2020 that I received the vision and the prophetic word. The following Sunday, I attended a Pastor’s conference in Brookings, South Dakota at Holy Life Tabernacle Church (where I have known the Sr. Pastors for many years). With the Pastors permission, in both meetings, I was invited to share this vision and accompanying word of prophetic encouragement. I hope it will encourage you as much as it did myself and them. 

Here is what I ‘saw’ in the vision:

The Prophetic Vision:

In the vision, I saw Jesus Christ slowly begin descending from heaven onto the plains of the American prairie (similar to the actual location that I was in).  I could see large round bales (rolls) of hay on the prairie. His hands and his feet had scars and he was wearing a gleaming white robe. There was no question who he was. In the midst of his inner being, I could see a flame burning a bluish-orange hue (almost like a natural gas flame), which did not consume him. Suddenly, as he hovered over the earth (but did not touch down), Jesus lifted his arms and the flame that was in him shot up into his shoulders, down his arms and out of his hands into the surrounding area. (It was clearly a fire that was not of natural origin and it did not consume the things it touched as it left Jesus’ hands.) It began to hit people who were standing out in the fields and the nearby round bales too. The supernatural fire from Jesus would hit people’s heads, they would fall, and get back up with the same non-consuming fire on the inside of them and begin to run. The flame from Jesus’ hands also hit more and more of those round bales which began to roll across the prairies with the people running alongside them. They would then go into different towns and churches, which would in turn be hit with the same supernatural fire. Soon more and more people were touched by this heavenly fire. I saw them  fall in large groups (like bowling pins), then get back up and run, filled with the same fire. (I was awestruck!)

The Prophetic Word: 

(I wrote this the morning of 9/20/20 in my journal directly after the vision and later shared both at each of the meetings mentioned above).

“For I am the Lord of the harvest. Pray that I send harvesters into the highways and the bi-ways of America again. For I am Jesus, the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, and I am come down to pour out my Spirit again on the American Church; to cleanse her, to purify her and to baptize her afresh with my Holy Spirit. I will cleanse, I will purify, I will pour out my Spirit. For you will see again in your lifetimes, a great harvest of souls such as will make the revivals and awakenings of the past pale in comparison. For I am Jesus, the Lord of the harvest and the baptizer in the Holy Spirit.” 

Sharing the word at Holy Life Tabernacle – Photo courtesy of David Lysaker
of Tent of Meeting Ministries

The Interpretation of the Vision: 

Upon prayerful reflection these past several months, I have contemplated what the Lord was saying to me that day (and to the believers and Church leaders gathered in the meetings where I shared it). My strong sense is that I was privileged to ‘see’ a partial vision of the beginnings of the third great American awakening in the Church, for which I, and many others, have earnestly prayed. It may be geographically significant to the area that I was in at the time and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in that region; but I believe it is bigger than that. I believe that the translucent fire I saw within Jesus represented the fire of the Holy Spirit, since Jesus is, scripturally speaking, the “baptizer with the Holy Spirit.” It was like I was seeing a fresh Pentecost come upon all the believers (and groups of believers) who desire to receive it in the American Church. 

 I believe that the message is clear. It is the desire of Jesus himself to bring a cleansing, purifying (through personal and corporate repentance!), and empowering supernatural fire of the Holy Spirit upon the American Church; both upon individual believers and corporate groups of believers; so that she (the Church) is equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit to win souls to faith in Jesus Christ for an end-times spiritual  harvest (of souls) before the second coming/return of Jesus Christ.  It is only the willing, eager, earnest hearts of individual believers and congregations who earnestly seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit, (like those first believers on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2) that will receive this empowering fire from the Holy Spirit, and its attendant supernatural gifts, to be able to ‘run’ with the message of the Gospel burning like a holy fire in their bones.


I am not certain when these things will happen, but I believe we are at the beginnings of this new move of God for a number of reasons. As I’ve contemplated the vision, I was given this verse:

James 5:7-8

Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

How about you? 

Will you pray, with me and many others, for the next great awakening to come to the Church in America? Will you pray for the cleansing, purifying fire of the Holy Spirit to bring both repentance and empowerment to the American Church? Will you earnestly seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit for yourself and his  supernatural gifts to empower you to be a more effective witness for Jesus, and the same for your own Congregation of believers? I believe that if you will, then Jesus will soon send the fire of the Holy Spirit from heaven to make you one of those ‘burning ones’ to carry the Good News of the Gospel wherever you go.

Round bales

Key Verses for Additional Context:

Luke 24:32

“Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”

Matthew 3:11

 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

1 Corinthians 12:1

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:

1 Corinthians 14: 1

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. 

Acts 2:2-4

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Jeremiah 20:9

Then I said, “I will not make mention of Him, Nor speak anymore in His name.” But His word was in my heart like a burning fire Shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, And I could not.

*For a Bible-based study on this topic, see my book “GOD SPEAKS: The Guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts & Today•” available at and on


More trip photos below:

RVC Missions Team, Wildwood Hills Ranch, St. Charles, IA
Me with friend, prayer partner & missionary to Red Lake, MN, Belinda Johnson – SD
My friends, prayer partners &
fellow missions-team members
John & Sharon Leiferman – SD
Me with intercessors, Bonnie (center) and Annette, MN/SD – These two powerful prayer warriors have prayed for awakening in the American Church and their region for decades!
With Pastor Corilee Boer, Destiny Youth Ranch, Alvord, IA
Janet DeCaster
Janet DeCaster
Christian Author & Speaker, Janet DeCaster, holds a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a J.D. from Emory University School of Law, and a Certificate of Biblical Studies from ACTS International Bible College. She has served as a Pastor to women in a local Church, a Deacon, a global missions team member, and a committed volunteer in many capacities in the Church. She is Ordained for Christian ministry with the Assemblies of God, U.S.A. Learn more about her books and ministry at her website,


  1. Susan Gutridge says:

    Beautiful story Janet! Thank you! I love your fire and passion!

  2. Mary kubicek says:

    You are such a prayer warrior for everyone. God listens to the righteous and we are all blessed to have you in our lives. Miss you. Mary

  3. Michael Smith says:

    I join with you in prayer that there is indeed a third Great Awakening coming.
    May it come soon.

    Michael Smith
    Eden Prairie, MN

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